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Benefits of Good Lighting in the Workplace


Reading Time: 4 minutes

Arc Business Interiors

  • Natural light is good for employee motivation and well-being.
  • Artificial light should prevent glare and eye damage.
  • Improve natural light by fixing window coverings.
  • Improve artificial light with energy-saving bulbs.
  • Consider office spacing when designing lighting systems.

Good lighting is vital in the workplace and is an essential element that impacts people’s physical and mental well-being. ‘Good lighting’ in the office includes both natural and artificial, which all working environments need in order to keep and maintain happy, healthy and productive employees.

The right lighting system in an office can have a number of benefits, including:

  • Improved productivity: Studies have shown that workers in well-lit offices are more productive than those in poorly lit offices. Good lighting can help reduce eye strain and fatigue, which can lead to increased concentration and focus.
  • Reduced stress levels: Natural light has been shown to have a positive impact on mood and stress levels. This is because it helps to regulate the body’s natural circadian rhythm, which can help to improve sleep quality and reduce the risk of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).
  • Increased comfort: Good lighting can make an office feel more comfortable and inviting and increase productivity.
  • Lowered energy costs: Energy-efficient lighting systems can help to reduce energy costs and contribute to a more sustainable workplace.
  • Improved safety: Good lighting can help improve safety in an office by reducing the risk of accidents caused by poor visibility. This is especially important in high foot traffic areas.
  • Enhanced aesthetics: The right lighting system can help to enhance the aesthetics of an office space and create a more inviting and professional atmosphere.

Overall, the correct lighting system can have a number of benefits for both employees and employers. By choosing the right lighting for your office, you can create a more productive, comfortable, and safe work environment.

Natural light benefits

Being exposed to natural light is important for us humans. We’re able to take in vitamin D from the natural light, which enables our bodies to absorb calcium and thus, increase our bone density and make them stronger.

Natural light can also help to prevent types of cancer, heart disease, depression and obesity. Vitamin D is a byproduct of natural light that helps to treat depression, pains, diabetes and many other disorders and diseases.

Natural light is known to boost energy levels – studies have shown a significant difference between people who work under artificial light and those who work under a mix – with a 40% increase in output for those who are able to take in the natural daylight during their working hours.

Technology can damage our eyes or cause Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS). The symptoms include:

– Headaches
– Dry Eyes
– Blurred vision
– Itchy or watery eyes
– Eye strain
– Light sensitivity

To reduce the chances of eye damage or CVS, it’s important there’s enough light in the room to prevent these symptoms and to reduce glare off screens, which can cause eye discomfort. If there’s not enough natural light in your office, you can expect workers to be complaining about ongoing headaches and loss of concentration.

Integrating natural and artificial lighting with office design

– Window coverings

Look after your workers by knowing how to access the natural light that’s available to you. Improve natural light by changing out any broken window coverings and replacing them with blinds that can be fully extended, retracted and tilted, so the light can be angled to suit your workers. Alternatively, if it’s possible you could have more windows installed.

– Energy saving light bulbs

Find energy saving lighting that’ll save you money and provide better quality light for your workforce. Investing in the latest LED technology will mean that you won’t have to change your bulbs as often and they’re durable, you can turn them on and off as much as you want without affecting their output. Low-energy bulbs can have a reduced lifespan when turned on and off repeatedly.

– Office spacing

Take into account where people work at computers, whether they’re close to windows or without any at all. Think about taking down office dividers to allow the natural light to flow through the entire room. Office blocks can cause shadows and prevent other workers from getting optimal light.

How to improve your lighting in the office:

– Try to prevent glare
– Provide individual desk lights
– Illuminate your office with wall and ceiling lights
– Use intelligent light systems – motion detection will keep your energy costs down
– Don’t overlook natural lighting – this can combat the post-lunch dip
– Opt for blinds that can help to angle the natural light appropriately

Arc Business Interiors have been established since 2005, providing countless clients with exceptional and inspirational transformations. So if you’re looking for great office lighting be sure to call on our expert team today. Our first-rate services are available throughout Leicester, Nottingham, Derby, Birmingham, Manchester and the rest of the UK.

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